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Advanced Singing Technique - Technology Determines Style

Writer's picture: Coltyn VonDeylenColtyn VonDeylen
music technology

Vocal style is largely determined by technology and advancements in architecture and the like. Looking back over history, you'll notice that singing style stayed similar, not the same but similar enough that the average person calls all music before 1900 "classical" and thinks it sounds the same. Realistically, the style has changed and some we just don't have a concept of what they would have sounded like as it was before recording. All style is based on tech though.

So what exactly do I mean by this? The classical style isn't some inherently superior method of singing, but rather is a method designed around the lack of microphones, the full orchestras they needed to sing with, and the large buildings made with dense materials. A singer needed to be able to be heard by all in a church by themselves. This meant that the classical style is derived from the need to be loud and carry one's voice over a large space and many instruments. In other words, if you are attempting to sing classical and your voice isn't carrying, you are probably doing it incorrectly.

Similarly, after the development of microphones many vocal styles became quieter. At first there were more rock type sounds with more shouty types of vocals, but today you'll notice that many singers are nearly whispering. Additionally, there have developed vocal styles so dependent on tech that they don't work without tech (screaming, growling, or fry singing are examples). In other words, if you are singing a type of music that uses a lot of tech you probably shouldn't be loud. Note that some genres are performed both with tech or acoustic and therefore would still be sung at a moderate volume.

Volume isn't the only thing effected. With the advancement of tech many vocal styles have moved away from heavier low frequency sounds to thinner high frequency sounds. When songs used to sit quite low they are now more often than not quite high. You can see this when comparing classic country music with modern country. Even just 30 years ago the country singers all had deep bass voices and now you hear a lot more tenor country singers. This is because low sounds resonate through large areas better while high frequencies are better at piercing through other sounds in today's tech heavy instrumentals.

The biggest takeaway from this is to sing according to the tech you are using. Don't just sing one way because you think its better and don't shy away from using tech to your advantage. Every piece of tech you use is just as much an instrument as a guitarists guitar. If you need extra help, sign up for singing lessons by clicking here!

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